Juicy Shamrock Smoothie

Juicy Shamrock Smoothie

As we know all too well, it’s always a challenge to get the little ones to eat their greens. Our strategy? Get them to drink their greens! Easier said than done, right? With this Juicy Shamrock Smoothie, we bet that you will hear slurping sounds in no time, not to mention requests for seconds!

Try it using Apple Juicy Juice™ 100% juice! 

2 Fresh Kiwis
1 Peeled Orange
1 Cup Green Grapes
1 Cup Baby Spinach
1 Cup Apple Juicy Juice 100% Juice


  1. Slice the kiwi in half and scoop out the fruit from the skin
  2. Add kiwi, peeled orange, grapes and baby spinach to blender
  3. Pour in Apple Juicy Juice 100% juice
  4. Blend until smooth (feel free to add more juice if the blend is too thick)
  5. Pour into a chilled glass and enjoy!


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