Summer Road Trip Tips

Summer’s here and it’s the perfect time for fun on a family road trip! Shake up your family’s routines and get everyone out of the house for a memorable vacation while the weather is warm. Family vacations are never that simple, so here are some good tips to help you prepare for your upcoming summer road trip.

Pack the car the night before

The morning of big trips like this can be a little hectic, especially with sleepy passengers, so pack ahead of time to reduce the likelihood of forgetting anything. Keep things simple and only pack the essentials to save more room for souvenirs. Ensure toys are stored where little hands can reach them and make sure there’s chargers on hand for low batteries. Before you get on the road be sure to double (or triple) check car seats and any outstanding maintenance alerts on your car.

Play Car Games

Once you’re on the road, boredom can strike and kids may retreat behind their screens. Break up the boredom and the screen time by playing a car game or activity together.

Here are some suggestions:

  • I Spy
  • The Banana Game: Where players have to spot anything that’s yellow, awarding more points for harder-to-find objects
  • Thinking of an Animal: Kids say a trait of animal and adults guess the animal
  • Play Road Trip Bingo.
  • Alphabet Game: Find words that start with the letters of the alphabet (in order) on cars, signs, buildings, or anything that you pass! BONUS: This is a great game for kids learning to read and can help improve their reading ability and retention.

Feeling extra creative? Try these activities:

  • Telling stories together
  • Make up stories about the things your car passes like interesting buildings, towns, monuments, etc
  • Play a classic improv game by having one person in the car start a story and everyone goes around adding new details until everyone has created a silly story

Take Plenty of Pit Stops

Everyone on a road trip needs a pit stop to get out of the car, stretch their legs, and take care of things that come up. When you stop, make sure you prioritize bathroom breaks for the whole family and safety precautions like fixing or checking on car seats and straps. Try to take a pit stop every 2 hours or so, though you’ll have to adjust this based on your travel time.

If you’re planning a longer road trip, check and see if there are playgrounds or fields conveniently located near pit stops or along your route. Make sure to factor in some time to stop and get out, stretch your legs, and run off some energy. Not only will this help everyone stay healthy and comfortable on long drives, but you might enjoy a quieter ride for a while with some tired kids in the back. Lastly, don’t forget to give the driver a break too. If you’ve got another adult with you, let them drive for a little while so the first driver can get a chance to rest.

Car Friendly Snacks

You’re bound to get hungry on a long car trip and healthy snacks like apples, grapes, or berries are simple and easy to store, with little to no trash leftover. Try to avoid soft foods that might leave a mess or get smushed into seat cushions and pack hard snacks like pretzels or granola bars instead. When you’re packing drinks, Juicy Juice juice boxes are the perfect option, as they’re portable and have a variety of flavor options that contain juicy goodness! If you’re going to be driving through lunch, pack a few of your kids’ favorite sandwiches for a quick lunch that won’t slow you down.

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