During Valentine’s season, there are always enough hearts, teddy bears and flowers around to remind our children that this time is about love. Whether they’re at school or tagging along on your weekly grocery shopping, there are never shortages of symbols that signify the reason for the season! Include your little ones in the joy of celebrating love by teaching them how to show it to their friends and family members. Here are three simple ways your little sweetheart can spread the love this Valentine’s Day:
Distribute Homemade Valentine’s Day Cookies or Brownies
If you haven’t already, consider starting a Valentine’s Day tradition of baking homemade cookies or brownies with your little ones to give to the people they appreciate. Whether to their neighborhood friends or a favorite coach or teacher-nothing says love like the taste of freshly baked homemade goodies. As you bake, use the time to share stories and teach your child the importance of love for others, as well as self-love.
Prepare Valentine’s Day Cards
Create beautiful memories with your little one this season by helping them make personalized Valentine’s Day cards for their friends and classmates. Encourage them to leave a note of kindness on the inside! Have them remind their classmate about something nice they did recently or what they like about them.
Plan Something Special for Your Significant Other with Your Little Ones
Make your little ones feel like a part of the surprise by including them in on the plan to show love to your loved one. Whether you take them shopping with you to select a gift or they help you to prepare dinner, it’s always more fun with the kids. They’ll enjoy keeping the secret and will learn the wonderful joy of what it’s like surprising a loved one.