Good Habits for the New Year

Good Habits for the New Year

Setting new goals for the New Year isn’t just for adults. Why not include the kids in on all the fun? Whether you help your little one choose or they pick on their own—the beginning of the year is a great opportunity for change and growth. It’s a timely moment to help them set a goal of forming positive new habits that can foster discipline and responsibility. There are a few ways that you can get your kids excited about this! You can implement a prize system with a reward each time they make progress. This will also help keep them motivated! They can also design their own progress chart to check off throughout the year. Here are some positive new habits for the New Year:

1. Putting Toys Away

As we all know some toys can easily create unnecessary clutter and potential chaos. If left in the wrong place, anyone could trip over it. Ring in the new year, by getting your kids into the habit of putting their toys or games away as soon as they are done.

2. Putting Dishes in the Sink After Eating

Depending on the age of your little one make clean-up time after eating a family effort by getting them used to the routine of putting their dishes in the sink (or dishwasher.)

3. Brushing Teeth Twice a Day

As your child grows, teaching them dental hygiene can be a challenge. But the earlier you start, the better! Brushing teeth doesn’t have to be boring, make the routine fun by buying toothbrushes of your little one’s favorite character and exploring different toothpaste flavors.

4. Washing Hands After Using the Bathroom

Whether before and after a meal or after using the bathroom, keeping our children’s hands washed is so important. A simple wash with soap can keep germs from spreading and prevent illness.

5. Make Bed Each Morning

Teaching your little one to make their bed each morning is a good practice that will teach them cleanliness, responsibility and discipline at a young age.

6. Reading a New Book Daily

Reading is fundamental and the new year is the perfect time to help your little one create a new reading list to get through during the year!

Let us know on social media what other resolutions your setting with the family this year!

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