Being Grateful by Giving Back

While eating delicious Thanksgiving dinner and spending time with family, we are sure your little ones will be reminded of the many things to be grateful for this year! It’s important that our children understand the core values of Thanksgiving such as sharing, family and thankfulness. This time of year is the perfect opportunity to demonstrate one of the core values of Thanksgiving by taking your kid with you to give back to others. Here are some fun ways to give back with your children:

1. Have a Bake Sale

Bake some tasty treats with your kids and put them on sale in the neighborhood or at an after-school basketball game. Then donate the funds made to a charity!

2. Throw a Pack Lunches Party

Invite other neighborhood children and host a party where you pack lunches to give to the less fortunate. Have your little ones decorate the bags with their personalized drawings and messages!

3. Participate in a Charity Walk

Invite their friends to attend a local charity walk in the community. While on the walk, use this opportunity to explain the importance of participating in charitable events. Your little one will always remember this shared experience and perhaps this will develop into a tradition for them that they will keep in their adulthood.

Whichever way you choose to give back this year, showing gratitude by giving back will surely fuel a thankful attitude in your children while creating lasting family memories!

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