Holiday Sweater Activity

Fun is one size fits all. Don’t throw away your empty boxes! Make your kids happy this holiday and upcycle them into a festive sweater with our cute Holiday Sweater Activity.


  • Cardboard boxes
  • Paints
  • Brushes
  • Glue
  • Wintery decorations (snowflakes, glitter, etc.)
  • Googly eyes

Various art and craft supplies including cardboard boxes, paints, brushes, glue, wintery decorations (snowflakes, glitter, etc.), and googly eyes


Draw and cut out your sweater shape from a cardboard box.

A man and two children sit on the floor surrounded by cardboard boxes. The man is cutting out a sweater shape from cardboard box


Break out the Juicy Juice and throw on some holiday music! It’s time to deck your sweater with paint and glitter (fa la la la la la la la 😉 )! Paint your sweater whatever color you want and get creative with the look. In this example, we add snowmen to our sweaters!

young children painting their cardboard cutout sweaters


If you’d like to create this design – use your paint to add a snowman down the front middle of the sweater. Paint your snowman and let him dry, then give him a hat, eyes, a nose, hmm lets see what else? Maybe some buttons, arms and even shoes!

cardboard cutout sweater painted pink with a snowman
young children painting their cardboard cutout sweaters


Add your wintery decorations on and around the snowman to make your sweater even more festive! Then set aside to dry.

young children painting their cardboard cutout sweaters and adding designs with the supplies. Such as glitter and snowflakes
young children painting their cardboard cutout sweaters and adding designs with the supplies. Such as glitter and snowflakes


Once your holiday sweater is dry, decide whether to hang it as a work of art or have some fun with it first! Wear your sweater on a pretend holiday adventure. Hold it up to your stuffies or dolls and put on a festive fashion show. Whatever you do, have fun!

Young kids holding up their finished cardboard sweaters
Young kids holding up their finished cardboard sweaters

Holiday Sweater Activity
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